Solar PV Tracker vs fixed comparison


Most of the PV power plant designed fixed type of installation. On the other hand, it’s also possible to produce more energy with the same quantity pv panels and inverters. Tracker systems are the alternative of standard installation with a different variety. Necessary equipments are mechanic construction(moving parts) and software. being aware of the pros and cons of installation before the investment. You can see Solar PV Tracker vs fixed comparison and real values from Turkiye

Types of solar tracker systems
types of solar tracker systems

Possible types of installation can be shown on the Picture. Only X axis tracker , only y axis tracker ,xy dual axis tracker and azimuth tracker systems.During the design consider, tracker system has higher initial investment cost than non-tracking system and maintenance cost.The biggest advantage is producing more energy in the same area.Tracker system designer says that up to %30 more energy is possible.

 Is there any low-cost alternatives ?

The answer is yes. Want to design a solar system not so much expensive (tracker) and more production than non-tracker system. İn this case designing a system that construction with manual adjustment two times (summer ,winter ) or four times (seasonal) in a year. The result ;

1. produce more energy than non-tracking system

2.less initial investment cost than tracker system

3. less maintenance cost

A negative thing is necessary to go up to the roof two or four times and adjust the construction to the right tilt angle because of the coming irradiation angles from the sun changes winter time and summer time. Such as in winter changes construction to a vertical angle ,production will increase on the other hand in summer change construction to more horizontal angle production will increase as well. The angles for winter and summer can be changed depending on the location of installation.

Solar systems production comparison

The graph shows us, one kilowatt of solar system located in Los Angeles California simulated solar energy production blue color defined no tracking flat ,Brown no tracking tilted east, maroon no tracking tilted West, dark blue no tracking tilted South and yellow color dual axis tracker system.

simulation about solar system production comparison

As a result

there are many types of photovoltaic system installations. Considering pros and cons especially for tracking designs after sales services is more important and should have a detailed contract with a service provider which is solution based companies.

update 17.11.2022

we visited a power plant in Şanlıurfa/Turkiye it has 4 MW glass glass monofacial and 1 MW glass glass bifacial solar panels and got yearly data. we also share excel file about energy production comparison. A short summary : bifacial solar power plant produced %11-12 more energy at the same area located monofacial solar panels.

you can see the power plant @technicall_tr youtube channel. all details are in link above
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